In order to make the Master Point system more realistic and dynamic, it is suggested that events other than those organized by the WBF be also entitled to award Year Points.The awarding of WBF Year Points for an event can only be done on the agreement of the WBF.
These Year Points are awarded to the individual players in the form of a physical certificate by the organising body (not the WBF). The certificate must contain the player’s name, country, the event, date of event, and Year Points awarded.
It is the player's duty to maintain his/her record in the form of these physical certificates. The certificates and the year points they represent are valid for one calendar year from the date of the tournament for which they were awarded.When a player has sufficient WYP to be converted to at least 10 WMP (at the current conversion rate this is 100 WYP) then the player will send the original certificates to the WBF Master Point Secretary (currently Mark Newton [email protected]) where the WBF MPs will be recorded, the certificates will be marked and then returned to the player. Only valid un-expired certificates will be considered for conversion to MPs.
- The Master Points awarded in competitions organized by the WBF are called WBF Master Points
- The Master Points awarded in other competitions which are licensed by the WBF are called WYP (WBF Year Points).
a) Criteria of eligibility:
(1) The competition level.
To determine the level of an event, the average of the highest ranked WMP holders will be calculated; namely,
- The five top teams in a team-of- four event
- The top 15 pairs in a pairs tournament
- The top 30 players in an individual.
- The average must not be lower than 500.
(2) The minimum number of participants:
- 20 teams in a team-of- four event
- 60 pairs in a pairs tournament
- 52 players in an individual
(3) Minimum number of boards (128)
(4) Table screens must be used, at least in the finals.
(5) The event has to be directed by an officially recognized WBF Tournament Director.
b) WYP Table
(1) WYP will be awarded to 20% of the participants. However, no more than 10 participants will obtain WYP in a given event.
(2) The winner of the event will receive a number of WYP equal to the tournament average (see 1a above) (rounded off to the closest 100). To this will be added a percentage based on the total number of boards played:
- from 201 to 300 boards = 5%
- from 301 to 400 boards = 10%
- from 401 to 500 boards = 15%
- from 501 to 600 boards = 20%
- over 600 boards = 25%
The number of WYP awarded to the winner will not exceed 2000.
(3) The runner-up will receive the same number of WYP as the winner minus 20%. From third place on, the player will receive the same number of WYP as the one ranked immediately above, minus 10% of the winner’s WYP.
c) Conversion of WYP into WMP.
10% of WYP earned that year will become WMP.
d) All the WYP tournaments will be Open events.